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Friday, April 30, 2010
Leaderships Traits - Empower Team Leader
“leadership is about capacity. the capacity of leaders to listen and observe, to use their expertise as a starting point to encourage dialogue between all levels of decision-making, to establish processes and transparency in decision-making, to articulate their own value and visions clearly but not impose them. Leadership is about setting and not just reacting to agendas, identifying problems, and initiating change that makes for substantial improvement rather than managing change.” Ann Marie E. McSwain
Source: http://bit.ly/b7CoXy
Being A good Follower
Being A good Follower
How can your team look up to you if you yourself don't have any respect for the authority? You're supposed to be the prime example of how a person should behave. Besides, there are certain disciplines that come with being a good follower.
For example, a manager who has gone through the hardships of serving coffee at a popular coffee ship will be able to immediately pinpoint his team's weakness and how the overall operation can be improved, as opposed to someone who has never even made coffee. Knowing what your followers are going through makes you all the more effective as a team leader.
For example, a manager who has gone through the hardships of serving coffee at a popular coffee ship will be able to immediately pinpoint his team's weakness and how the overall operation can be improved, as opposed to someone who has never even made coffee. Knowing what your followers are going through makes you all the more effective as a team leader.
Being Self-Motivated
What makes a good team leader is self-motivation. Nobody's going to mollycoddle when your team starts operation. Nobody's going to be there to hold your hand and uplift your spirits. That is your job, You're the one who always needs to be motivated so that you, in turn, can motivate your team.
Being A good Communicator
Good communication makes a good team leader. It's a two-way street. You have to know how to give out orders clearly and efficiently. Should you fail to do this, your operation will most likely end up half-baked.
On the other hand, you also have to know how to listen well. Your team might have ideas that are worth listening to. Or they might have something important to say. Being a good listener enables you to understand where each member of your team is coming from and how they think.
On the other hand, you also have to know how to listen well. Your team might have ideas that are worth listening to. Or they might have something important to say. Being a good listener enables you to understand where each member of your team is coming from and how they think.
Leaders don't live like kings because they're too busy making sure that their team is operating like a well-oiled machine. However, effective leaders are also greatly rewarded for all their hard work.
If you looking for Free leadership E-book (PDF) download Free Leadership Collection
Psikotes konsep dan contoh test karyawan (base on pengalaman) part 1
Saya mau cerita sedikit mengenai psikotes untuk karyawan (base on pengalaman), bagaimanapun "hunuslah pedangmu sebelum berperang" kalau anda blank sekali mengenai psikotes untuk penyeleksian karyawan, sebaiknya anda ikuti cerita saya, selama 4 bulan menggeluti dunia psikologi, juga berdiskusi dengan HRD/Mahasiswa yang masih belajar (theory) dan lulusan psikologi, disini yang akan saya sedikit ceritakan mengenai "Pola standard psikotest (mungkin ga ya berubah?) untuk calon karyawan". ok langsung pada pokok permasalahan :
1. Logical Test (test logika) Kuantitatif Deret angka hurup
Mungkin untuk anda yang suka dan gemar bahasa pemograman (komputer) ini hanya hal biasa (juga yang seneng aritmetika) tapi untuk orang yang baru saja mengetahui logical test tsb mungkin bingung, apa yang harus dijawab? gimana? 6 9 12 15 Makanan apa ini?
Contoh : (ini hanyalah beberapa contoh logical test)
- A, C, F, J, O, .....
- 9, 16, 25, 36, ......
- 9, 9, 6, 9, 3........
- 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, .....
- 3, 5, 13, 4, 6, 14, 5, 7, 15,...
Gimana tuh jawabnya?
A, C, F, J, O,
Polanya 1234/B,DE,GHI,KLMN anda pasti sudah bisa jawab apa hurup yang harus dijawab selanjutnya
dan untuk contoh selanjutnya anda sudah pasti bisa menjawabnya, yang pasti perhatikan dahulu POLA dari soal Tsb. ingat waktu anda hanya beberapa menit saja untuk menjawab persoalan-persoalan psikotest tersebut, dahulukanlah soal-soal yang memang Pola soal tersebut mudah/cepat dimengerti,

2.Logika Penalaran (apalagi ini?)
Anda akan disuguhkan Makanan gambar yang bertubi-tubi yang terlihat rumit. Lihat contoh gambar disebelah, rumitakan? (ga X)
POLA untuk kasus penjawaban psikotest ini mudah bila anda sudah mengetahui Polanya. untuk kasus POLA gambar diatas 1+1=2 gambar1 ditambah gambar2 sama dengan gabungan dari gambar 1 dan 2. Asal anda mengerti dengan benar pola yang telah saya sebutkan, mungkin pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang lainnya juga akan dengan mudah anda jawab (kasusnya tidak akan terlaulu jauh dari basic gambar diatas) use your imagination konsentrasi dan teliti sebelum membeli. yang penting anda paham mengenai Pola basic-nya.
3. Analogy Verbal Test
Kalau anda pintar dengan berbahasa Indonesia, mungkin persoalan analogy verbal test bukan merupakan masalah besar, Belajar Sinonim juga antonim suatu kata.
Contoh Antonim (lawan kata)
STABIL >< (sisi disini) a. Labil b. Hancur c. Rusak d. Kacau
Contoh Psikotes Untuk Korelaksi makna
Perusahaan - Karyawan = Sekolah - (isi Disini) a. Pengawas b. Pelajar c. Ujian d. Kelas
Pasti sudah mengerti ya (easy kan :)
ini untuk mengetes anda dalam kemampuan memahami permasalahan.
4.Test Kraeplin atau juga Pauli
Gamabar di pinggir merupakan Test Kraeplin Pauli, kalau anda pintar di tambah-tambahan ini test ini mudah, namun anda tetap harus teliti dan cepat, test ini untuk memonitor/mengukur kestabilan kita dalam bekerja. akan ada HRD yang "me-marathonkan" kita dalam pengisian soal tersebut, ingat yang penting konstan/Stabil jangan terlalu tinggi dan jangan terlalu rendah setiap beberapa detik kita akan disuruh Pindah ke baris selanjutnya dan selanjutnya, terus menerus sampai lembar Kraeplin tersebut beres. tenang aja, dalam test in ini HRD akan memberikan contoh dan melakukan latihan dahulu sebelum memulai mengisi jawaban. Test ini bukan masalah besar, hanya mesngisi angka belakangnya saja contoh jawabannya 10, nah yang di isi hanya 0 saja, lihat saja contoh dipinggir, mudah kan?
5. Wartegg Test ( ada sambal apa aja tuh?)
Kalau anda pintar dengan berbahasa Indonesia, mungkin persoalan analogy verbal test bukan merupakan masalah besar, Belajar Sinonim juga antonim suatu kata.
Contoh Antonim (lawan kata)
STABIL >< (sisi disini) a. Labil b. Hancur c. Rusak d. Kacau
Contoh Psikotes Untuk Korelaksi makna
Perusahaan - Karyawan = Sekolah - (isi Disini) a. Pengawas b. Pelajar c. Ujian d. Kelas
Pasti sudah mengerti ya (easy kan :)
ini untuk mengetes anda dalam kemampuan memahami permasalahan.
4.Test Kraeplin atau juga Pauli
Gamabar di pinggir merupakan Test Kraeplin Pauli, kalau anda pintar di tambah-tambahan ini test ini mudah, namun anda tetap harus teliti dan cepat, test ini untuk memonitor/mengukur kestabilan kita dalam bekerja. akan ada HRD yang "me-marathonkan" kita dalam pengisian soal tersebut, ingat yang penting konstan/Stabil jangan terlalu tinggi dan jangan terlalu rendah setiap beberapa detik kita akan disuruh Pindah ke baris selanjutnya dan selanjutnya, terus menerus sampai lembar Kraeplin tersebut beres. tenang aja, dalam test in ini HRD akan memberikan contoh dan melakukan latihan dahulu sebelum memulai mengisi jawaban. Test ini bukan masalah besar, hanya mesngisi angka belakangnya saja contoh jawabannya 10, nah yang di isi hanya 0 saja, lihat saja contoh dipinggir, mudah kan?
5. Wartegg Test ( ada sambal apa aja tuh?)
Tes ini terdiri atas 8 kotak yang berisi bentukan-bentukan tertentu seperti titik, garis kurva, 3 garis sejajar, kotak, dua garis saling memotong, dua garis terpisah, tujuh buah titik tersusun melengkung dan garis melengkung. Anda akan diminta menggambar kemudian menuliskan urutan gambar yang telah anda buat, lalu menuliskan nomor gambar mana paling disukai, tidak disukai, sulit dan mudah menurut anda. Yang diukur dalam tes ini adalah emosi, imajinasi, intelektual dan aktifitas subjek.Mau memanipulasi Soal ini? jangan! setiap pribadi kita berbeda-beda, tapi untuk sedikit referensi (ni ga pernah gagal lho lol) inget apapun gambarnya yang penting "Arti dari gambar tersebut"
ini dulu yang saya pakai untuk Psikotes tersebut (base on my immagination (tukang ngarang) hahaha)
1. jam Dinding
2. Pohon Beringin (Golkar Haha) pohon beringin artinya "dalem"
3.Kota di pagi hari yang cerah nya matahari
4. (sebenernya ga nyambung) jendela lengkap( kotak hitamnya jadi 4 tambahin pintu) dengan pintu
Ada yang ga tahu artinya kata-kata ini "Feel like home, Im Coming back home,Home sweet home"
5. Penunjuk arah (panah Miring ke kanan) Improvisasi saja, Up Up Up..
6. Transfortasi (mobil :)) Hasil dari kesuksesan
7.Kupu-Kupu Butterfly Metamorposis
8.Biasanya ada yang gambar payung (haha itu terlalu USSUAL) buatlah sebuah telur yang sedang menetas ( A new life begin)
Disambung-sambungin saja semuanya (meskipun tak nyambung lol)
Yang lainnya nyusul...
Semoga membantu...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Stroop Effect Test Part 2 - Color Test
Stroop Test Color Test
this game from humorsphere.com
The Color Test is simple
There are 8 screens, and on each screen you are given a word and two button to choose from.
Select the color of the word, not the WORD you only have 4 seconds per screen
Share your Stroop Test Score..
Stroop Effect Test Part 2 - Color Test
this game from humorsphere.com
The Color Test is simple
There are 8 screens, and on each screen you are given a word and two button to choose from.
Select the color of the word, not the WORD you only have 4 seconds per screen
Share your Stroop Test Score..
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Personality Disorder List (Information)
For the average person, their traits are usually fixed by the time you become an adult. These traits are fundamental from your past and from your genetic makeup. Often, they are a combination of positive and negative traits that make you the person you are.
The same cannot always be said of people with personality disorders as their traits tend to be mainly negative. They may act in socially inappropriate ways and are often unable to function normally in relationships whether personal or work related.
There are three groups of personality disorders, each having similar characteristics. These Personality Disorder list:
1. Personality disorders that are characterized by eccentric behaviors such as paranoia, and schizoid behaviors.
Symptoms of paranoid personality disorders include:
- Emotional detachment.
- Feelings of anger toward others.
- Believing that people are trying to harm you in some way.
- Believing that what people say is in some way being malicious toward you personally.
- Being unable to work collaboratively with other people.
Symptoms of a schizoid personality disorder include:
- Being emotionally distant.
- Emotional detachment.
- Being very introverted.
- Fantasy.
- Being fixated on your own thoughts and feelings.
Symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder include:
- Eccentricities in the way you dress, speak, and interact
- Believing that public speeches etc contain hidden messages for you
- Suspicion and paranoia
- Believing others can be influenced by your thoughts
- Indifference to other people
2. Disorders that display dramatic emotional behavior. These include hysterics, narcissism, and antisocial behaviors and are often quite dramatic.
Symptoms of histrionic personality disorder include:
- Attention seeking behaviors, particularly of a sexual nature.
- Intense desire for approval from others.
- False sense of intimacy.
- Excessive concern with physical appearance.
- Emotional swings.
Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder include:
- Excessive response to criticism.
- Constant attention seeking behaviors.
- Inability to empathise.
- Inflated sense of importance.
- Being manipulative.
Symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include:
- Aggressive and violent behaviors.
- Lying and stealing.
- No signs of remorse when hurting others.
- No consideration for the law and other people's rights.
- Irresponsible and unreliable.
- No concern for safety.
Symptoms of borderline personality disorder include:
- Inability to control emotions.
- Dramatic mood swings.
- Stormy relationships including physical aggression.
- Feeling empty inside.
- Fear of being alone.
- Suicidal attempts or ideations and self harming.
3. Those personality disorders marked by obsessive-compulsive behaviors, anxiety, fearful behaviors and avoidance and dependence.
Symptoms of avoidant personality disorder include:
- Socially isolated.
- Extremely shy.
- Hypersensitive to criticism
Symptoms of dependent personality disorder include:
- Excessively dependent on others.
- Intensely afraid of being alone.
- Not willing to make decisions or to give opinion.
- Tolerates abusive treatment rather than lose relationship.
- Jumps straight into new relationship after one ends.
Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder include:
- Excessively concerned about rules, order. schedules and so forth.
- Perfectionism.
- Hoarding of broken and worthless objects.
- Inability to share responsibilities.
- Inflexibility in opinions.
- Compulsive devotion to work.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is not the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder, an anxiety disorder that shares some symptoms but is more extreme and disabling. Most people with personality disorders believe that other people are to blame for the conflict and instability that they experience in their lives. Although these conditions are incurable, the sufferer can live a relatively normal life with therapy and medication.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Understanding-Personality-Disorders&id=828261
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Understanding-Personality-Disorders&id=828261
Monday, April 26, 2010
Career Personality Test Information
Since most people spend a majority of their life on the job, choosing a career that you actually enjoy is very important for a happy and fulfilling lifestyle. Choosing a career that does not suit your personality can lead to confusion. People seek to find a career that best suits their natural traits and talents. When your work lets you realize your true potential and utilize your talents to the fullest, only then can you be satisfied with your career.
Career Personality Tests
Large corporate companies and business houses around the world hire employees by conducting personality tests as it measures skills, abilities, values and interests. These tests determine one's aptitude for a certain type of career and even mention the right job that suits an individual's personality. They determine the personality type, whether you are outgoing or reserved, realistic or imaginative, logical or sensitive, organized or spontaneous.
Career Personality Tests Help:
Career Personality Tests
Large corporate companies and business houses around the world hire employees by conducting personality tests as it measures skills, abilities, values and interests. These tests determine one's aptitude for a certain type of career and even mention the right job that suits an individual's personality. They determine the personality type, whether you are outgoing or reserved, realistic or imaginative, logical or sensitive, organized or spontaneous.
Career Personality Tests Help:
- Match individuals to career interests
- Improve employee communication
- Increase team effectiveness and productivity
- Reduce workplace conflict
- People understand themselves and others
An informal series of questions is prepared and a team of experts analyzes the test results. They examine different personality aspects to form a personality profile. This profile is then discussed within a group, comprising of a panel of psychology graduates and career advisors. The best career choice is made according to the personality type and a detailed report is declared in front of the candidate.
There are a variety of tests measure your intelligence and skills and assess your ability to succeed in a career. Some are more complex as compared to others. The tests range from a five-minute color test to an hour-long complete personality test.
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator : This is the most important tool that helps to assess a personality type and explore career options. A certain amount of fee is charged for conducting the test. It is fast, secure and confidential.
- Career Key: This is a free online assessment tool that helps people make the best career choice.
- Keirsey Temperament Sorter: This tool helps discover what type of temperament you possess and tells if you are an Artisan, Guardian, Rational or Idealist. They also charge a small fee for conducting the test.
- Princeton Review Career Quiz: A series of questions are answered and accordingly, the best career choice is determined. They estimate your personal interests and usual styles. Registration is necessary for getting the results.
- Strong Interest Inventory: This tool helps to match your interest with a professional career.
These instruments help evaluate your personality type and explore new career options. A proper match between your job and your personality plays a major role in ensuring job satisfaction. Personality tests will direct you to a profession that will best compliment your personality.
Personality Types Test - What types your Personality?
I think this good tests for you, the test will reveal who you really are, believe it or not, you should try this Personality Types Test, original Flash test http://www.dressup9x.com this an Honest Questionnaire Which will tell you a lot about True Self
Personality Types Test - What types your Personality?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Interview Preparation - Tips Passing the Tests
To get a job, we need to pass psycho-test, and many object the consideration of Human Resource Department (HRD) to choose hiring you in the company, at least to get a chance interview (test).
First we must realize the competition is very tight to get a job, therefore we must learn to know (at least a little basic) about what's object that will HRD considerate for hiring you.
so here's Simple tips to Pass the Test
1. First Sent First Serve
When you get information on job openings, do not wait long to make a proposal immediately, because the competition in getting a job is tough, the Quickly you sent a letter of application then quickly your opportunity is close to you.
2. Pass the test with confident (do not pessimistic)
Try a few Psychology Test, this will easily to face of little tests, like IQ tests, personality tests and others that related to psychology test.
3. Tell the True about your self (Interview)
Answer all questions from the interviewer with honestly (don't be lie) HRD had many experiences with people, do not answer questions that you don't know.
4.Do not bid too much (salary)
Many people who has had the opportunity (on Psychology test) but failed at the interview, do not bid too much, give me a reasonable offer and it is the standard salary in the region. salaries will increase as your diligent work and your quality of work,
So how about you? do you have a simple tips for us? Share with us
Interview Preparation - Tips Passing the Tests
First we must realize the competition is very tight to get a job, therefore we must learn to know (at least a little basic) about what's object that will HRD considerate for hiring you.
so here's Simple tips to Pass the Test
1. First Sent First Serve
When you get information on job openings, do not wait long to make a proposal immediately, because the competition in getting a job is tough, the Quickly you sent a letter of application then quickly your opportunity is close to you.
2. Pass the test with confident (do not pessimistic)
Try a few Psychology Test, this will easily to face of little tests, like IQ tests, personality tests and others that related to psychology test.
3. Tell the True about your self (Interview)
Answer all questions from the interviewer with honestly (don't be lie) HRD had many experiences with people, do not answer questions that you don't know.
4.Do not bid too much (salary)
Many people who has had the opportunity (on Psychology test) but failed at the interview, do not bid too much, give me a reasonable offer and it is the standard salary in the region. salaries will increase as your diligent work and your quality of work,
So how about you? do you have a simple tips for us? Share with us
How to Changes Behaviors - Psychologist Tips
Changes behaviors is not easy. Requires a strong commitment of time and effort. One of the main steps to changing a behavior is to set goals. This includes monitoring progress in achieving those goals and making adjustments as needed.
So how to changes Behaviors? Psychologists have developed several ways to help people change their behavior in order to improve their quality of life.
Very important elements in stages of change are:
Readiness to change
Readiness to change simply means that the person must be willing to use the knowledge and resources necessary to make a lasting change.
Barriers to change
A person should identify the barriers to change and take steps to avoid them.
Expecting relapses
Occasional relapses are expected, but only recognized as minor setbacks.
Lasting success depends on reaffirming goals and persistence.
An example for employees. Hard working employees are rewarded for their good work ethic with pay raises or promotions, hard work is reinforced and encouraged. On the other hand, slothful employees are punished by reprimand, pay cuts or demotions, laziness is decreased and discouraged.
This method of behavioral change is also very effective in child discipline. Good behavior is rewarded with praise; bad behavior is decreased by scolding.
To treat a person who has a fear of speaking in front of others, a technique called "systematic desensitization," is very effective. The person is given various opportunities to speak in front of a group, either in role playing or reality situations, with the addition of calming techniques.
Eventually, the person learns to relax in front of a group. Fear is replaced by relaxation so that the fear of public speaking is eliminated all together.
How to Changes Behaviors - Psychologist Tips
So how to changes Behaviors? Psychologists have developed several ways to help people change their behavior in order to improve their quality of life.
- Stage of Change
Very important elements in stages of change are:
Readiness to change
Readiness to change simply means that the person must be willing to use the knowledge and resources necessary to make a lasting change.
Barriers to change
A person should identify the barriers to change and take steps to avoid them.
Expecting relapses
Occasional relapses are expected, but only recognized as minor setbacks.
Lasting success depends on reaffirming goals and persistence.
- Operant Conditioning (Instrumental Conditioning)
An example for employees. Hard working employees are rewarded for their good work ethic with pay raises or promotions, hard work is reinforced and encouraged. On the other hand, slothful employees are punished by reprimand, pay cuts or demotions, laziness is decreased and discouraged.
This method of behavioral change is also very effective in child discipline. Good behavior is rewarded with praise; bad behavior is decreased by scolding.
- Classical Conditioning
To treat a person who has a fear of speaking in front of others, a technique called "systematic desensitization," is very effective. The person is given various opportunities to speak in front of a group, either in role playing or reality situations, with the addition of calming techniques.
Eventually, the person learns to relax in front of a group. Fear is replaced by relaxation so that the fear of public speaking is eliminated all together.
The most effective treatments involve listening,
understanding and slow progression to ensure lasting results.
how strong your Observation Skills? Take Observation Quiz
its simple Quiz and simple Questions but are harder than you think :) original site , The Quiz will improve your observation skills.
Fact about this Quiz:
The Average person only gets 7 right. Base on U.S.Info. This can be more difficult than it looks.
Answer 25 Questions:
don't forget share your Score with your friends :)
how strong your Observation Skills? Take Observation Quiz
Fact about this Quiz:
The Average person only gets 7 right. Base on U.S.Info. This can be more difficult than it looks.
Answer 25 Questions:
don't forget share your Score with your friends :)
Pre-Employment Test: Basic Test for Pre-Employment
"Employment testing is the practice of administering written, oral or other tests as a means of determining the suitability or desirability of a job applicant. The premise is that if scores on a test correlate with job performance, then it is economically useful for the employer to select employees based on scores from that test."
In the USA more than 30% of companies reportedly use pre-employment tests to help make hiring decisions. Used in conjunction with the interview process employment testing enables the employer to pin-point any areas of concern with regard to the applicant's ability and suitability for the position. A valid and reliable pre employment evaluation is objective and a good tool for ensuring that the final employment selection is based on the applicant's ability to successfully perform in the job and not on any prejudice, bias or assumption.
There are many different types of pre employment tests but the basic used tests fall into these five categories:
Personality tests measure the personality characteristics of job applicants that a re related to successful job performance. Typically they measure personality dimensions:
- Extroversion.
- Emotional stability.
- Agreeableness.
- Conscientiousness.
- Openness to experience.
Secondly applicants are misleading both themselves and the employer about their suitability for the job and are unlikely to be either happy or successful in the position.
- Skills Tests
Practice tests for typing and computer skills are available online. Skills tests are considered acceptable if they genuinely test a skill needed for the job.
- Aptitude Tests
Aptitude tests will tell an employer how quickly an applicant may be expected to learn to do the job tasks to a satisfactory level. There are general aptitude test referred to as IQ or intelligence tests and also tests for specific aptitudes such as mechanical aptitude.
- Integrity Tests
- Drug Tests
The most common drug tests involve applicants going to a collection site where a urine sample is obtained and then sent to a certified laboratory for analysis. The standard drug test is called a "Five-Screen" and tests for 5 types of street drugs marijuana, cocaine, PCP (Phencylidine), opiates such as heroin and morphine, and amphetamines.
Urine drug testing is popular with employers because it is reliable, inexpensive and non- intrusive. Test results are usually available within 24 to 48 hours. Other testing methods such as hair testing, blood tests, breath tests and saliva testing are also used.
Job applicants are likely to be required to undergo some form of pre employment testing. Although the amount of preparation that can be done for these tests is limited it will benefit applicants greatly to understand the type of tests they can expect. Prepare now before its to late
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Personality Test Quiz - Known your self

Personality Test
A personality test aims to describe aspects of a person's character that remain stable throughout that person's lifetime, the individual's character pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. An early model of personality was posited by Greek philosopher or physician Hippocrates.
The 20th century heralded a new interest in defining and identifying separate personality types, in close correlation with the emergence of the field of psychology. As such, several distinct tests emerged; some attempt to identify specific characteristics, while others attempt to identify personality as a whole.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_test
I found this personality test from addicting game the concept of this game is simple, only choose what answers is good for you, and answer 25 questions and reveal your personal attitude.this my result : Total flakes but fun to hang out with, the party animal is usually found where the music is loudest and the crowds is thickest. If they had any focus, they'd be dangerous but as it is, the world is completely safe.
You turn:
Note: Wait until Process load data complete and Play it :
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How Faster you Response - Test your Stroop Effect
In psychology, the Stroop effect Test is a demonstration of the reaction time of a task. When the name of a color for instance Blue, green,or red is printed in a color not denoted by the name exp: the word "red" printed in blue ink instead of red ink, naming the color of the word takes longer and is more prone to errors than when the color of the ink matches the name of the color. The effect has been used to create a psychological test that is widely used in clinical practice and investigation.
The Stroop effect has been used to investigate the psychological capacities of a person since its discovery while during the twentieth century it also became a popular neuropsychological test.
Go a Head How well you can identify colors and how your ability can be altered
How Faster you Response - Test your Stroop Effect
The Stroop effect has been used to investigate the psychological capacities of a person since its discovery while during the twentieth century it also became a popular neuropsychological test.
This test is considered to measure selective attention, cognitive flexibility and processing speed, and it is used as a tool in the evaluation of executive functions. An increased interference effect is found in disorders such as brain damage, dementias and other neurodegenerative diseases, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or a variety of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, addictions, and depression.
Go a Head How well you can identify colors and how your ability can be altered
The Best Psychology Careers 2010
The primary employment settings are university and college, educational from elementary and secondary schools, business and industry, and other human service settings. There many psychologists who work individually with clients, while other treats patients with a team of professionals.
Over the past 10 years, specialty areas in psychology have increased drastically, which in turn resulted in offering a wide range of career options. While some fields concentrate on research, there are many others that primarily focus on practical applications of psychological principles. In fact, it won't be wrong to say that today there are many possible career options for psychology professionals. It is one of the most versatile degrees you can earn.
Here are some of the Best psychology career options or programs you may consider when you start to plan your career:
Clinical Psychology
It is one of the single largest employment areas within the field of psychology. Working as a clinical psychologist, your responsibility may generally revolve around reviewing, diagnosing and treating patients suffering from psychological disorders. As a clinical psychologist, you may work in mental health clinics, hospital settings or private practice.
So, to become a clinical psychologist, you must have a doctoral-level degree in clinical psychology and these days many states require a minimum of a one-year internship.
Child Psychology
This particular branch primarily focuses on the behavior and mind of children from prenatal development through teenage years. It is unique, complex, and differs in terms of the unique perspective a child psychologist take when approaching development.
This is one of the few branches of psychology that encompasses a wide range of topics, starting right from the genetic influences on the child behavior to the social pressures on child's mental development.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
This is yet another important sub-field of psychology that basically focuses on workplace behavior and frequently uses different principles of psychology to improve employee productivity and select employees that are best-suited for particular jobs.
The most interesting aspect of this psychology is it deeply roots in experimental and differential psychology, and has a number of different sub-areas like personnel psychology, human-computer interaction and human factors. These days, many companies are hiring industrial and organizational psychologists to help refurbish certain aspects of their company.
Forensic Psychology
In the last few years, this has emerged as one of the most preferred psychology careers. As a forensic psychologist, you may require performing duties like scrutinizing insurance claims, investigate child custody disputes, perform child custody evaluations or even investigate suspected child abuse.
The career may be filled with extreme challenges, but yet it is an interesting choice providing numerous prospects for career growth.
Today, certainly making career in psychology is gaining more popularity and many students are enrolling in different psychology programs. While salaries can vary from state to state, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a faster than average growth for psychologists. Apart from this, the employment of psychologists is also expected to grow at 15 percent from 2006 to 2016, which is faster than the average for all occupations.
The Best Psychology Careers 2010
Over the past 10 years, specialty areas in psychology have increased drastically, which in turn resulted in offering a wide range of career options. While some fields concentrate on research, there are many others that primarily focus on practical applications of psychological principles. In fact, it won't be wrong to say that today there are many possible career options for psychology professionals. It is one of the most versatile degrees you can earn.
Here are some of the Best psychology career options or programs you may consider when you start to plan your career:
Clinical Psychology
It is one of the single largest employment areas within the field of psychology. Working as a clinical psychologist, your responsibility may generally revolve around reviewing, diagnosing and treating patients suffering from psychological disorders. As a clinical psychologist, you may work in mental health clinics, hospital settings or private practice.
So, to become a clinical psychologist, you must have a doctoral-level degree in clinical psychology and these days many states require a minimum of a one-year internship.
Child Psychology
This particular branch primarily focuses on the behavior and mind of children from prenatal development through teenage years. It is unique, complex, and differs in terms of the unique perspective a child psychologist take when approaching development.
This is one of the few branches of psychology that encompasses a wide range of topics, starting right from the genetic influences on the child behavior to the social pressures on child's mental development.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
This is yet another important sub-field of psychology that basically focuses on workplace behavior and frequently uses different principles of psychology to improve employee productivity and select employees that are best-suited for particular jobs.
The most interesting aspect of this psychology is it deeply roots in experimental and differential psychology, and has a number of different sub-areas like personnel psychology, human-computer interaction and human factors. These days, many companies are hiring industrial and organizational psychologists to help refurbish certain aspects of their company.
Forensic Psychology
In the last few years, this has emerged as one of the most preferred psychology careers. As a forensic psychologist, you may require performing duties like scrutinizing insurance claims, investigate child custody disputes, perform child custody evaluations or even investigate suspected child abuse.
The career may be filled with extreme challenges, but yet it is an interesting choice providing numerous prospects for career growth.
Today, certainly making career in psychology is gaining more popularity and many students are enrolling in different psychology programs. While salaries can vary from state to state, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a faster than average growth for psychologists. Apart from this, the employment of psychologists is also expected to grow at 15 percent from 2006 to 2016, which is faster than the average for all occupations.
Test Your Patience and Improve your Problem Solving
The game is Pretty Simple, but if you don't have "The Patience" this game is much harder (even STRESS"than everything, also this application will improve your Thought to find out in every problems and find the best solution to taken,
The following applications will be answer how much patience you are?
Click Play Game
Use your Keyboard Arrows right, left, up and down, moving just press space
Good Luck!
Test Your Patience and Improve your Problem Solving
The following applications will be answer how much patience you are?
Click Play Game
Use your Keyboard Arrows right, left, up and down, moving just press space
Good Luck!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Test Your IQ Online
Note: For good views Please CTRL+Scroll your mouse
one Click "Take The Test"
I hope this IQ tests, Will improve your IQ - 15 Minutes, Have a nice Day
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Emotional Response (get Control)
The emotions that we have can generally be categories as either being positive or negative. However, this may then encourage us to judge our feelings as either good or bed, which is not particularly encouraging or helpful for anyone involved.
The way we feel is the way we feel - whether it be an emotion that makes us feel happy, sad or anything else does not matter. They are all valid and we need to listen to our emotions with equal importance. Only then by doing that will we see our "negative" emotions transform into "positive" ones.
Simply by acknowledging the way you feel you may automatically feel a lift, whether that be that you go from happy to happier or that you go from feeling rather frustrated to a little less frustrated.
And take a moment to center yourself and take in everything that surrounds you. Empty your mind and observe everything that is there. What textures can you feel? What colors can you see? What shapes are in the room? This activity will allow you to notice whatever you see in that specific moment.
Then take a moment, to take a deep breath in and breathe out focusing on an object in the room. Then move to another object and repeat. Do this 5 times.
Smile. This may feel unnatural but it is hard to think of something negative when you have a smile on your face and emotional Response.
Bounce up and down on your heels, shrug your shoulders and shake your wrists and hands and then ask yourself again "How do I feel today". You may notice you mood has differed.
Emotional Response (get Control)
The way we feel is the way we feel - whether it be an emotion that makes us feel happy, sad or anything else does not matter. They are all valid and we need to listen to our emotions with equal importance. Only then by doing that will we see our "negative" emotions transform into "positive" ones.
Simply by acknowledging the way you feel you may automatically feel a lift, whether that be that you go from happy to happier or that you go from feeling rather frustrated to a little less frustrated.
And take a moment to center yourself and take in everything that surrounds you. Empty your mind and observe everything that is there. What textures can you feel? What colors can you see? What shapes are in the room? This activity will allow you to notice whatever you see in that specific moment.
Then take a moment, to take a deep breath in and breathe out focusing on an object in the room. Then move to another object and repeat. Do this 5 times.
Smile. This may feel unnatural but it is hard to think of something negative when you have a smile on your face and emotional Response.
Bounce up and down on your heels, shrug your shoulders and shake your wrists and hands and then ask yourself again "How do I feel today". You may notice you mood has differed.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tips Being A Good Supervisor (leadership)
Short Supervisor Responsibility
A supervisor in the workplace has four distinctly separate sets of responsibilities. The supervisor's first duty is to represent management and the company. It is the supervisor’s job to organize his/her department and employees, visualize future impacts and needs, energize the employees to get their tasks done and supervise their work ensuring that the productivity and quality standards are met. To ensure that this is done, the supervisor makes certain that his employees have the training, the tools and the material that they need to carry out their duties.
Another important part of the job is to act as a middleman and buffer between the employees who actually do the job and the rest of the organization who don't actually do anything. The supervisor makes sure that their employees’ pay is correct, their vacation pay arrives on time and they receive proper care if they get injured on the job.
The supervisor also has legal responsibilities to ensure that his area of responsibility is free of safety violations, all employees received proper training and that all human rights are upheld. Supervisors are also responsible for the health and safety of all their subordinates and to ensure that they work in a harassment-free environment
These tips will empowering you more to be an excellent supervisor, i hope this help you find out the problem and more prepared. so here is:
1. Know yourself first
know yourself deeply and aware Strong point also weak point of you, so you will know where you're secures and where you will needs help,
2. Know your People
Supervisor must know who people around him, everyone like to be called by his or her name, Know who are the key people for getting group support.This also becomes a bit to add to the intimacy between supervisors and their environment
3. Know When to make Decision yourself and when to ask help from team
As supervisor it is your duty to see that the necessary decisions are made, but whether you make the decision by yourself or with others is for you to decide. Shared decisions are usually best but this is not always practical.
4. Keep Cool
you know what i mean
5. Be Concern About the Task, even your member team task
The best supervisors are those who are task-minded as well as people-minded. Their teams accomplish much because they have a hand in setting goals and feel they have a stake in the work, for they are treated with respect and trust, as resources, not as costs to controlled.
You have to do justice to your team with your decision making skills.
7. Responsibility
You grow as a person by taking responsibility. Stand up and be counted. Be honest with yourself.
8. Foresee problems
Something will always go wrong. Foresee obstacles like a visionary. Have back-up plans to meet unexpected consequences.
9. Develop your people
By developing team work, by training, by involving your people more and more in group decisions, leave your team better people for having worked under your supervision.
10. Be yourself
Remember workers take very seriously what a supervisor says to them.
11. Be a good listener
Studies the world over have shown that one of the most appreciated qualities of a supervisor is their ability to listen.
Tips Being A Good Supervisor (leadership)
A supervisor in the workplace has four distinctly separate sets of responsibilities. The supervisor's first duty is to represent management and the company. It is the supervisor’s job to organize his/her department and employees, visualize future impacts and needs, energize the employees to get their tasks done and supervise their work ensuring that the productivity and quality standards are met. To ensure that this is done, the supervisor makes certain that his employees have the training, the tools and the material that they need to carry out their duties.
Another important part of the job is to act as a middleman and buffer between the employees who actually do the job and the rest of the organization who don't actually do anything. The supervisor makes sure that their employees’ pay is correct, their vacation pay arrives on time and they receive proper care if they get injured on the job.
The supervisor also has legal responsibilities to ensure that his area of responsibility is free of safety violations, all employees received proper training and that all human rights are upheld. Supervisors are also responsible for the health and safety of all their subordinates and to ensure that they work in a harassment-free environment
These tips will empowering you more to be an excellent supervisor, i hope this help you find out the problem and more prepared. so here is:
1. Know yourself first
know yourself deeply and aware Strong point also weak point of you, so you will know where you're secures and where you will needs help,
2. Know your People
Supervisor must know who people around him, everyone like to be called by his or her name, Know who are the key people for getting group support.This also becomes a bit to add to the intimacy between supervisors and their environment
3. Know When to make Decision yourself and when to ask help from team
As supervisor it is your duty to see that the necessary decisions are made, but whether you make the decision by yourself or with others is for you to decide. Shared decisions are usually best but this is not always practical.
4. Keep Cool
you know what i mean
5. Be Concern About the Task, even your member team task
The best supervisors are those who are task-minded as well as people-minded. Their teams accomplish much because they have a hand in setting goals and feel they have a stake in the work, for they are treated with respect and trust, as resources, not as costs to controlled.
You have to do justice to your team with your decision making skills.
7. Responsibility
You grow as a person by taking responsibility. Stand up and be counted. Be honest with yourself.
8. Foresee problems
Something will always go wrong. Foresee obstacles like a visionary. Have back-up plans to meet unexpected consequences.
9. Develop your people
By developing team work, by training, by involving your people more and more in group decisions, leave your team better people for having worked under your supervision.
10. Be yourself
Remember workers take very seriously what a supervisor says to them.
11. Be a good listener
Studies the world over have shown that one of the most appreciated qualities of a supervisor is their ability to listen.
Personality Theories (Trait)
In theories of personality, personality trait consists among others and type. Trait itself explained as a theoretical construct that describes the unit basic of personality. Trait described the consistency of the response from individuals in different situations. While type is a grouping of the various trait. Compared with the concept of trait, type has a level of regularity and greater generality than the trait.
Trait is a disposition to behave in certain ways, as reflected in the behavior of people in various situations. Trait theory is a Personality theory that is based on several assumptions, so:
Trait theory first raised by Gordon W. Allport. Allport addition, there are two other experts who developed this theory. They are Raymond B. Cattell and Hans J. Eysenck.
According to Allport, genetic and environmental factors are equally influential in determining human behavior. Not only his own heredity or environmental factors alone that determines how personality is formed, but through the reciprocal influence of genetic and environmental factors that gave rise to personality characteristics.
Regarding a genetic role in the formation of personality, there are 4 important insights to note:
Cooper, C.L., & Payne, R. (1991). Personality and stress: Individual differences in the stress process. England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Feist, J. & Feist, G. J. (2006). Theories of personality. (Ed. Ke-6). New York: McGraw-Hill Inc.
Hjelle, L.A., & Ziegler, D.J. (1992). Personality theories. Singapore: McGraw Hill Book.
McCrae, R.R., & Allik, J. (2002). The Five Factor Model of personality across cultures. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers.
Pervin, L. A. (1993). Personality: theory and research. (Ed. ke-6). Canada: John Wiley & Sons.
Pervin, L. A. (1996). The Science of personality. USA: John Wiley & Sons
Linzey & Hall. (1993). Theories of personality. (4th ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Personality Theories (Trait)
Trait is a disposition to behave in certain ways, as reflected in the behavior of people in various situations. Trait theory is a Personality theory that is based on several assumptions, so:
- Trait is a consistent pattern of thoughts, feelings, or actions that distinguish one person from another, so that:
- Relatively stable trait over time
- Trait consistent from situation to situation
- There is an adaptive process
- The different strengths
- The combination of an existing trait
Trait theory first raised by Gordon W. Allport. Allport addition, there are two other experts who developed this theory. They are Raymond B. Cattell and Hans J. Eysenck.
According to Allport, genetic and environmental factors are equally influential in determining human behavior. Not only his own heredity or environmental factors alone that determines how personality is formed, but through the reciprocal influence of genetic and environmental factors that gave rise to personality characteristics.
Regarding a genetic role in the formation of personality, there are 4 important insights to note:
- Although genetic factors play an important role towards the development of personality, non-genetic factors still have a role for variation personality
- Although genetic factors are important in influencing the environment, non-genetic factor is the factor most responsible environment will be a difference in people
- Experiences in the family is an important although the family environment is different for every child in relation to the type of child gender, birth order, or a unique event in the lives of families in each child.
- Although there is a strong genetic contribution to personality trait, does not mean that the trait is fixed or can not be influenced by the environment.
Cooper, C.L., & Payne, R. (1991). Personality and stress: Individual differences in the stress process. England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Feist, J. & Feist, G. J. (2006). Theories of personality. (Ed. Ke-6). New York: McGraw-Hill Inc.
Hjelle, L.A., & Ziegler, D.J. (1992). Personality theories. Singapore: McGraw Hill Book.
McCrae, R.R., & Allik, J. (2002). The Five Factor Model of personality across cultures. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers.
Pervin, L. A. (1993). Personality: theory and research. (Ed. ke-6). Canada: John Wiley & Sons.
Pervin, L. A. (1996). The Science of personality. USA: John Wiley & Sons
Linzey & Hall. (1993). Theories of personality. (4th ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Motivation Achievement Personality Factor
Researchers often use the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) to measure people’s need for achievement. The TAT consists of a set of ambiguous pictures, such as one of a woman standing in the doorway of a room. Researchers ask subjects to make up stories about these pictures. Some subjects’ stories consistently contain themes that relate to achievement. Researchers consider these subjects to have a high need for achievement.
Personality Factors
High-achievement motivation tends to lead to particular personality features. These include persistence, ability to delay gratification, and competitiveness:
Motivation Achievement Personality Factor
Personality Factors
High-achievement motivation tends to lead to particular personality features. These include persistence, ability to delay gratification, and competitiveness:
- Persistence: High achievers tend to be very persistent and work hard to attain goals they set for themselves.
- Ability to delay gratification: High achievers tend to have a greater ability to delay gratifying their impulses in the short term in order to reach long-term goals.
- Competitiveness: High achievers tend to select careers that give them opportunities to compete with other people.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tips For Psychology Students (Solve)
Tips for Psychology Students (Academy)
First: Start Preparing Early
Tips For Psychology Students (Solve)
First: Start Preparing Early
Create a simple plan of action to help you determine what you need to do in order to be ready. Using whatever organizational method works best for you, write down any assignment, paper or exam due dates. Consider the necessary steps required to complete each task successfully, such as research, outlining, writing and studying. Next, schedule these tasks into your organizational plan. By writing down these essential steps, you will be better able to keep track of the things you need to accomplish.
Second Find Ways to Combat Procrastination
Putting things off until the last minute can hurt your classroom performance, grades and learning. While it may be tempting to set aside tasks that seem dull or daunting, procrastination will only create more work for you down the road. Avoid last-minute stress and frustration by finding ways to fight the urge to procrastinate.
One solution is to try breaking assignments up into more manageable chunks. By tackling just a small portion of a task each day, you can successfully complete assignments on time.
One solution is to try breaking assignments up into more manageable chunks. By tackling just a small portion of a task each day, you can successfully complete assignments on time.
Third Tips: Re-Evaluate your study habits
The strategies you use to study may also vary depending on the demands of each class you are taking. For example, a statistics class may require more intensive rehearsal and memorization of problems and formulas, while a social psychology course might require more reading and group discussion.
Another important part of analyzing your study habits includes learning more about your unique learning style. Your learning style can help you discover which methods will help you learn best. If you learn best by seeing and reading information, review your course readings, notes and psychology study guides.
Another important part of analyzing your study habits includes learning more about your unique learning style. Your learning style can help you discover which methods will help you learn best. If you learn best by seeing and reading information, review your course readings, notes and psychology study guides.
Fourth Do the Required Readings Early
Get the maximum benefit out of course lectures and discussions by always going to class prepared. Read the assigned chapters prior to attending your classes in order to introduce the concepts. During class, ask questions about material in the reading that wasn’t entirely clear. Participate in discussions in order to expand your understanding of the topic and develop richer connections to the information.
Fifth:Learn How to Write Psychology Papers
The ability to write well and communicate effectively is important for success in psychology classes. From lab reports to critique papers, you will be expected to plan, research and write on a wide variety of topics. Many types of psychology papers follow a specific format, so learning this information now can make writing your papers easier down the road.
Writing papers for psychology courses is very similar to writing papers in other subjects. Like other types of writing, your psychology papers should be well-organized and clearly communicate your message to readers. Start by finding an interesting topic for your psychology paper, and then spend some time researching your topic using psychology journals found in your university library.
Writing papers for psychology courses is very similar to writing papers in other subjects. Like other types of writing, your psychology papers should be well-organized and clearly communicate your message to readers. Start by finding an interesting topic for your psychology paper, and then spend some time researching your topic using psychology journals found in your university library.
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