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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Pre Employment Testing - Understanding the Rules of Tests
Pre Employment Testing Understanding The Rules of Test Most job applicants don't understand the methodology of personality tests. There are no 'right' answers and its key to be honest in your answers!. The test is designed to evaluate how your personality traits meet the requirements of the job. If you try and give the answers you think the employer wants you'll cause problems for yourself for two main reasons.
The tests contain validity scales that are able to detect attempts to fake answers. This will be considered dishonest by the prospective employer. Secondly you are misleading your employer and yourself about your suitability for the job and the chances are you will not be happy or successful in the position. You can't change the results of the tests by preparing for them in advance and you should not attempt to give the 'correct' answer.
To prepare for the skills test, practice doing whatever you'll be doing on the job - typing, drawing up a spreadsheet, editing. A number of skills tests are available online, you can search for and use the appropriate tests for practice. Good Luck
To prepare for the skills test, practice doing whatever you'll be doing on the job - typing, drawing up a spreadsheet, editing. A number of skills tests are available online, you can search for and use the appropriate tests for practice. Good Luck