Monday, May 24, 2010

Enjoy in your Current Job - Feel Good First Tips

Love your Job
Change your mindset. What's bothering you about your current job? Do you have a bad boss? By allowing your boss to make you miserable, you are giving your boss power over your happiness. Don't give away your right to happiness. Ask yourself why your boss is making you unhappy. Keep asking why until you get some really clear answers.Recognize your own reaction. Next, recognize that your unhappiness is caused by your reaction to what your boss is doing, because you think that your boss doing something wrong. You can't change your boss.

Change your perspective. One way I have changed my perspective on a difficult boss situations was to think, "They don't know any better." And I leave it at that. Trying to change a boss is nearly impossible. Changing your perspective is quite possible.

Add some fun into your day. What can you do to make work a bit more tolerable? I recently met a woman who told me that she got away with using hot pink pens for her work. It was marginally acceptable at work, but she was able to do it and it made her happier.In my previous job, I liked to go out for lunch or coffee with friends or go for a walk in the middle of the afternoon on a rough day. Spice it up. What's marginally acceptable that would be a fun way to make your work more interesting? What little playful thing can you add into your day to make it a bit more fun?

Take a break. Five minutes or 15 minutes or your entire lunch hour can be a great way to take a break and have fun. Hang out with people you enjoy--not your grouchy cube mate. Keep good company, even if it's just you!

Get some help. It is useful to have an outside perspective when you're seeking something new. An outsider can help you dream of something bigger and better. Finding happiness today before creating a new life for tomorrow always makes transitions stronger and longer lasting. You can be happier in your current job. Actually, I strongly recommend that clients find peace in their current job before moving somewhere new.

Once you've made peace with your current job, it may be time to start looking for what you really want: a job that you love.