Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Win Negotation using Psychology Strategy

The simple way to win negotiation,  Just 2 steps to win negotiation in every situation,

1. Evaluate the Condition
  • Evaluate the relationship that you are having with the target. The relationship that you will be having depends on what are the stakes on the table. Assess the interests of both parties. Determine what exactly the other party wants. The relationship also depends on the degree to which how each party can help each other achieve their own goals. The more you can help each other, the stronger is the relationship.
"Known your enemy before you fight"
Remember, the psychology you need a little sensitive, how your partner thinks, and you need to know what experience he had in this negotiation, so you'll more easily manage them all, look at his eyes and read what measure really is, for this negotiation....

Relationship and long-term cooperation are more important than the petty victories.

2. Empathy
  • We negotiate certain things because we have different perceived value of them. Our perspectives are based on our own experience. If everyone has their own experience, they share different perspectives. You need to step out of yourself and step into the other party’s skin. 
  • Consider how he might have perceived something. Discover his interests and values. Imagine yourself in his position and take into account what might be important. Do not attempt to try to persuade him to see the things the way you do. Explore and research into what are the other possibilities.
Pick a few steps and combine them with your own style, strategy and skills.